Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
8.5 / 10
Another year, another Assassin’s Creed. For a while there, these games were up there with Call of Duty and Battlefield on the yearly release schedule and you really could tell they were being rushed. However, after Ubisoft took an extra year to make Origins, and by extension Odyssey, you can see how revitalized the series is becoming. This is more apparent to me in this entry. The mechanics are identical to Origins, but the world is more vibrant, characters more likable, and the content keeps you engaged far longer than Origins can. It may not be the best Assassin’s Creed game, but I haven’t had this much fun with the series since Black Flag.
Odyssey takes us back to Ancient Greece during The Peloponnesian War, and yes, I had to Google how to spell that. This time you take the role of Spartan turned mercenary Kassandra or Alexios. Unlike Assassin's Creed Syndicate that allowed you to play multiple Assassins, you don’t switch between the two characters. Who you pick is who you play as throughout the entire game. You follow this character as they travel through the Greek world, searching for their lost family while dismantling an unforeseen force working against them. Along the way important historical figures such as Socrates, Pericles, and Herodotus, among many others make appearances.
Speaking of future games, this game brings back Layla Hassan as the main modern day Assassin exploring Kassandra’s memories. She is given a little bit more leg room to move around in this time around and given more purpose. Her part in the grander story concludes with a subtle teaser that future games may include a bigger modern-day portion, something that the series had almost seemed to have forgotten about for the most part. Modern day and Ancient Greece hold plenty of twists to keep fans happy though, and it leaves me optimistic for the future.
As great as Odyssey is, there are some glaring flaws that warrant bringing up. Firstly, the game is a bit of a buggy mess. Now, veteran Assassins Creed players know this isn’t anything new, and I was playing it on PS4. Since Xbox is the primary Assassin's Creed system, players might have a better time in this department playing there. That said, The game crashed on me for seemingly no reason three or four times, I experienced utterly massive frame rate drops, and assassination targets spawned in walls more than once. Everything was fixed by reloading the game, of course, but it was still annoying. Loading times are some of the worst I have ever experienced too. Fast Travel wasn’t something I did often due to my want to explore, but when I did I would sit for a minute and a half to two minutes depending on what area was loading. Finally, The voice acting and animation in conversations need a serious overhaul. Bad accents and choppy animation is something Assassin’s Creed should have evolved away from long ago.
Don’t let online critics sway you. This game is a blast. It has its flaws, but it clearly has had a lot of time and effort put into it. Kassandra is sickeningly likable, and the journey she takes is incredible. Longtime fans will be pleased with some of the modern day twists, and first-time players will be drawn in by the sheer amount of activities to take part in. With Red Dead Redemption 2 on the horizon, the game world may look impossibly bleak, but it still sits a reminder of how great a game can look. Everyone should take this journey, everyone should see what Kassandra or Alexios have seen, and be better for it.
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