Marvel’s Spider-Man: The Heist
DLC Mini Review
8 / 10
Swinging Close To Home
As a part of the “City That Never Sleeps” series of DLC, The Heist gives a familiar and abridged version of what the core Spider-Man game has to offer. It has new collectibles, new story, and the same amount of fun the core game can give, but everything is just a tad too familiar, and doesn’t impress as much as you would think.
The Heist takes place after the events of the core Spider-Man game. New York is back to normal, and Spidey is working with Mary Jane to take down Mafia bosses filling the gaps left by Kingpin after being sent to jail. While investigating a possible break-in, Spidey runs into ex-girlfriend, and thought to be ex-con, Black Cat. She is caught up in a larger conspiracy involving the Mafia and in turn, pulls Spider-Man into the fray.
While the entirety of the map is available, this particular adventure only gives you activities to take part in across three or four sections of the city. It is a three-hour diversion that has new collectibles, new challenges to do, and new enemies to fight. Though when I say new enemies, I mean one new enemy that is just the Brute carrying a minigun. The rest of the Mafia thugs you take down are exactly the same as the old ones, just wearing different clothes. A small handful of Taskmaster style challenges are spread across the map too, but this time they are orchestrated by annoying millennial villain Screwball. The challenges give the DLC much-needed variety, but having to listen to Screwball’s “LOL OMG” Cyber-girl on the nose rantings reduces my want to play them multiple times. There are also some unique collectibles to find in the city, and they have an interesting story attached to them, but you can collect them all easily in about ten minutes and move on.
Disclaimer: The three new suits are freaking awesome
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